Creative Enterprises Studio is pleased to be an active member
of the Christian Booksellers Association
and the Christian Small Publishers Association.

In addition, for more than thirty years, we have also been blessed to work with highly respected publishing houses, ministries, and companies including these friends:

Andrews McMeel Publishing Company (Kansas City, Kansas)
Baker Publishing Group (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
Benny Hinn Ministries (Fort Worth, Texas)
Bonnie Floyd Ministries (Celina, Texas)
Christian Women in Media (Dallas, Texas)
Daystar Television Network (Dallas, Texas)
FaithLife / Lexham Press (Bellingham Washington)
FamilyLife Ministries (Little Rock, Arkansas)
Great Cities Ministry (Dallas, Texas)
Guideposts Books (New York)
Harper Collins Christian Publishing (New York)
Harvest House Publishers (Eugene, Oregon)
Howard Books/Simon & Schuster (New York)
Insight for Living (Plano, Texas)
Leadership Network (Dallas, Texas)
Marina McLean Ministries (Fort Worth, Texas)
Rutledge Hill Press (Nashville, Tennessee)
Sheila Bailey Ministries (DeSoto, Texas)
Thomas Nelson, Inc. (Nashville, Tennessee)
Tyndale House Publishers (Carol Stream, Ilinois)
Women of Faith (Plano, Texas)
Word Publishing (Dallas, Texas)
Worthy Books/Sweet Publishing (Fort Worth, Texas)
Worthy Media (Nashville, Tennessee)
Zondervan Publishers (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
And others