Maleah Bell
Copyeditor, Proofreader,
Editorial Project Manager
Maleah Bell learned to spell words when she was a preschooler by watching Mickey Mouse Club. Her older brother’s playmates would gather at the back door to hear her spell Mississippi and Mickey Mouse. In elementary school, her best grades were in English and spelling, and when she was in seventh grade, she was runner-up in the county spelling bee.
As a former in-house editor with Thomas Nelson (HarperCollins Christian Publishing), Maleah has been involved in editorial work for twelve years, with more than twenty years’ experience in various facets of the Christian publishing industry. She has a keen eye for detail and a proven track record of producing quality books within budget and on schedule.
Maleah spent seven years as the associate editor for the development of The Voice Bible translation, coordinating the editorial process and reviewing the work of more than one hundred contributors. After her work on The Voice was completed, she managed books by authors such as Donna Gaines, Heather Zempel, and Ginny Owens. Maleah has worked with authors such as Jack Hayford, Max Anders, and Les Carter to update already-published works, and she has managed or assisted with DVD-based curriculum projects such as The Catalyst Leader by Brad Lomenick and Same Kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. Reference works in her editorial portfolio include Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary—New and Enhanced Edition, W. E. Vine's New Testament Word Pictures, and Bruce Shelley’s Church History in Plain Language, 4th edition. She is also a contributor to Pastorresources.com.
Maleah is a past recipient of Thomas Nelson’s Star Core Values Award. When she is not wearing her editorial hat, she plays piano and listens to oldies music. Her favorite color is purple, and she enjoys the TV show
NCIS, sweet tea, and anything covered in dark chocolate.