Just Show Up!
How Your Obedience Leads to Unimaginable Victory
Larry Buck
Foreword by Robert Morris
He has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before time began. 2 TIMOTHY 1:9
Reaching out in the name of Jesus Christ is, indeed, our calling. The issue is how we respond to His calling. In other words, if your phone rang, and you knew it was God, would you answer or just let it keep ringing?
Larry and Susan Buck have answered God repeatedly, calling them into difficult and desperate situations around the world. And working through them and their nonprofit organization, Ends of the Earth
Ministries (EOE), He has rescued poor, hurting, and lost people around the globe. As Larry often says, "God always shows up." Like Him our challenge in life is to Just Show Up! The true stories in this book will touch your heart, change your thinking, and move you to action. So many people are in trouble and searching for God, even when they may not realize it. By showing up, we have the opportunity to use the words of God to give them new direction and hope. By being the hands and feet of Jesus, we can help apply the soothing balm of God's love to the pain and suffering of lost lives. Take the challenge! Be the voice and breath of God in the lives of others. You can do it when you Just Show Up! and let God use you to shine His light into the darkest corners of the world. If you do, you may find yourself as well. The poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. PSALM 34:6 RSV