Makeovers with Leftovers
Learning to Live on What's Left of Life
Sheila Bailey
Foreword by Thelma Wells
When life knocks you down, steals your joy, and
takes away your livelihood,
what can you do? God says, “Live on what’s
left!” Right. So how easy is that?
When Sheila Bailey’s husband—prominent pastor E. K. Bailey—died, Sheila faced the rest of her life alone, in deep grief, with limited income, and no life direction. What was she to do? How would she survive? Then she found the answer in 2 Kings when the prophet Elisha told a widow with only a little bit of oil,
Go sell the oil . . . and live on what’s left. (4:7 MSG)
In other words, “Live on your leftovers!” Growing up on leftovers, Sheila was familiar with that concept. And it has now become her daily mantra and powerful message, which has exploded into a dynamic ministry that touches thousands of lives each year. In Makeovers with Leftovers, Dr. Bailey provides in-depth Bible teaching, including these valuable features:
Researching the Word—exploring God’s message of hope for the hurting
Reaching Deeper Down—mining the riches of God’s healing grace
Reflections of a Makeover—true stories of people made over by God’s love
Personal Review—discussion questions for individuals and small groups
Recipe for Personal Change—a practical pattern for making your life over
Bonus: Mini Leftovers Cookbook!
Are you suffering from the loss of a loved one through death, divorce, or disease, through loss of income, housing, or hope?
Makeovers with Leftovers will renew your hope, refresh your joy,
and help you remake your image into His. Buy it. Read it. Use it.
And celebrate what’s left of your life!
6 x 9
128 pages
$14.99 + S&H