Heather Wise

From Laura Ingalls Wilder to George MacDonald to A. W. Tozer, Heather has been an avid reader since before she started elementary school, devouring books and writing short stories throughout her adolescent years. As she grew, Heather developed a passion for languages, studying three foreign languages and becoming a well-versed grammar and English teacher to international adults. She has edited hundreds of essays for grammar, mechanics, wording, and more and has guided several master’s and doctorate students through thesis writing, discerning their intended meaning and helping them move to an understandable discourse on the subject.
While Heather has read widely, her proficiency lies in biblical arenas, as well as in viewing the world from an international perspective. She lived six years in the Middle East where biblical culture was everyday life. In addition, teaching international students and traveling to several countries has given her a uniquely broadened view of cultures and individuals. Heather is thankful for the opportunities God has given her and wants to use His gifts for His glory.