Michael Gore
Photographer Graphic Artist
Michael has been involved in some type of creative and artistic outlet from a very early age, having dabbled in all types of mediums, including drawing, painting, sculpture, and photography. He started down a career path as a commercial printer at a PIP Printing quick-print shop. In 1988 he moved from there to AlphaGraphics, where his initiation into the realm of digital and the field of graphic design began.
While Michael has been on all sides of the printing process, from prepress to press to finishing, and enjoyed it very much, it is the graphic arts that he loves. As a result Michael has now been in the graphic design field for more than twenty years, and the advertising and marketing industry for nearly ten years of that. His passion is design, technology, photography, and art. His skills include digital art, illustration, production, color correction, and retouching. He serves our clients as photographer, cover designer, interior designer, and graphic artist with years of experience with such graphic-demanding publishers as Brownlow Publishing and Gifts and others. He also produces full-color digital-art catalogs for publishers, as well as other projects.
You can see examples of Michael's beautiful photography and learn more about him at itsjustapixel.com. You can also follow Michael on Facebook and Twitter.