Sara Wood

Editor, Proofreader
Growing up, I watched my father turn his friend’s field interviews and notes into a book. I found his work fascinating. I inherited his passion for the meticulous. I enjoy making sure all the jots and tittles are in the right places and all the quotes and references are perfect. Fine tuning sentences down to the essentials gives me a distinct sense of accomplishment.
My first job out of college was for the managing editor of Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. The editor of that publication was an epidemiologist at Vanderbilt, so I got to work and learn at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. I was there for 3 years, up until the birth of my first child, at which point I turned my attention to freelance work that I could do from home.
At that point in 2001, I began working independently with authors. I love the variety of works that I have been able to read through my editing. I have edited journal articles, put together newsletters, and edited books on various topics from poetry compilations to fiction to mathematical theory, with many Bible studies in between.
When I am not editing, I enjoy other introverted pleasures: I love to hike in the woods and take photos of birds and flowers. I also am a deaconess at my church, where I love to volunteer and work with the benevolence committee. Of course, my main joy in life is my family. My husband and I will celebrate twenty years of marriage this spring. We have two sons, ages 14 and 17.