Thomas Womack

Substantive Editing, Copyediting, Author Coaching, Writing
Thomas has been editing books fulltime for nearly four decades, concentrating on the categories of Christian living, popular theology, ministry, Bible study, devotionals, marriage & family, leadership, business, memoirs, fiction, and children’s books.
He’s held senior editing positions over the years with NavPress, Multnomah, and WaterBrook. Since 2008 he’s served as a freelance editor, working for those publishers as well as for Harvest House, Crossway, Zondervan, David C. Cook, and others. He’s also partnered on projects commissioned by churches and many individual authors.
In helping craft books into final shape, Thomas has been privileged to work with noted authors such as Jerry Bridges, J. I. Packer, Randy Alcorn, C. J. Mahaney, Ruth Myers, Henry Blackaby, Thelma Wells, Andy Stanley, John Maxwell, David Jeremiah, Kay Arthur, Joshua Harris, Ken Blanchard, Larry Crabb, and numerous others.
As a writer, Thomas is currently completing a trilogy of historical fiction which has been contracted with Harvest House and scheduled for serial release in 2016 and 2017. He’s also the author of twenty children’s books, and is a three-time winner of the Christian Book Award (formerly the Gold Medallion Award) from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association.
He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Missouri School of Journalism, and began his career in word-smithing as a daily newspaper reporter.
Thomas lives with his wife of thirty-plus years in the foothills of Oregon’s Cascade Mountains, where they enjoy sunshine and hiking, and especially spending time with their five adult children (all married) and eleven grandchildren.
Get to know Thomas better through an interview with Divine Detour blog: https://kathyharrisbooks.com/thomas-womack-the-miracle-of-mysteria/