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Tammy Barley

Author, Book Developer, Developmental/Substantive/Copy Editor, Proofreader, Ghostwriter

Tammy Barley—who loves God, impactful books, and great coffee—is a multi-award-winning Christian author, book developer, and editor of more than one hundred fiction and nonfiction manuscripts over fifteen years.

       Tammy owns PogoFish Media, where she works primarily with Christian speakers, faith leaders, and heads of international ministries. She developed an interview-and-ghostwriting program—one of the first of its kind—where she guides time-strapped professionals and first-time authors alike to speak their manuscript content in a matter of hours, quickly producing top-of-the line books with Tammy’s personal assistance.

       She is also author of a five-star-rated business book that leads readers step by step to develop, write, illustrate, publish, and market lead-generating business books. 

Though Tammy now specializes in faith-based autobiographies/biographies, her expertise encompasses most Christian fiction and nonfiction genres for most ages of children and adults.  

       Her wide spectrum of skills includes author coaching, book critiques, book development, business/ministry development, collaborating, editing and proofreading, ghostwriting, interviewing and ghostwriting, lead generating, magazine writing, marketing, publishing/self-publishing coach, researching, typesetting, Website design/SEO (using the platform), writing (fiction and nonfiction), plus advanced Bible and faith training (fifty + years).

       Tammy’s clients include TEDx Talks speakers, Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 company advisors, business and marketing coaches, medical/health practitioners (allopathic, holistic, chiropractic, traditional Chinese medicine), psychologists/life coaches, political figures (US Assistant Attorney General, campaign manager), sports figures (NFL, college football), film actor and producers, members of the military (all branches, active and veteran, including Navy SEAL), first responders (police and fire), pastors, missionaries, ministry leaders, and other authors (both new and established).

       In addition, she has worked as acquisitions editor of a publishing house and as a writing contest judge for the Christie Awards (for three years) and for other Christian writing contests.

She and her clients have been pleased to work with Barbour Publishing, Broadstreet Publishing Group, OakTara Publishers, Orange Grove Press, Pelican Book Group/White Rose Publishing, Simon & Schuster Publishing/Adams Media, The Wild Rose Press, Whitaker House, and more.

       Tammy is also a member of Christian Editors Connection (, where advanced editorial testing, in multiple genres, was required prior to admittance.

An endorsement of one of her client’s books:

Millennials Matter is packed with tips for connecting with, mentoring, and developing the leaders of the future.”

—KEN BLANCHARD, coauthor of

The New One Minute Manager

To learn more about Tammy’s qualifications, feel free to visit her business website,

To read samples of her work, visit There you can click on a book cover to link to its page at Their Look Inside feature will enable you to view each book’s first pages.

Tammy, who loves to travel, has lived in twenty-eight different places in eight states. She now lives in northeastern Illinois, near Chicago.

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