Music can change the world because it
can change people.
Music is another passion for Books, Bach & Beyond, Inc. After all, our middle name is Bach! And Creative Enterprises Studio is proficient in assisting composers, lyricists, music publishers, and musicians in creating and producing their music products.
Our team members have extensive experience in the music field, as you will see when you browse through their credentials. So you and your music project will be in great hands with us.
Here are some of the many services we can provide in the music-publishing arena:
Compiling songbooks and hymnals
Composing and/or arranging music for written lyrics
Designing and typesetting music for printing
Duplicating CDs and DVDs
Filming and producing music videos and DVDs
Helping composers file copyright applications for their musical works with the US Copyright Office in Washington, DC
Packaging CDs and DVDs, including full-color J-cards and inserts, jewel cases, and shrink wrap
Printing sheet music and/or songbooks in a variety of formats, both softcover and hardcover
Serving as Producer for music projects in the recording studio
Recruiting singers and instrumentalists for studio recording of musical works in a variety of genres
Producing click-track and split-track CDs
Securing legal permissions for copyrights to arrange and/or record single songs or multiple-song albums
Securing International Standard Product Numbers (ISPNs) and barcodes for products being produced for sale
Writing J-card and insert copy for CDs and DVDs
Writing cover copy for songbooks and hymnals
Writing stage production notes for seasonal musicals and choral books
And if you don’t see what you’re looking for, please contact us anyway, because we may be able to help with other services not listed here.
Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the
soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents
God has given us.
Martin Luther