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Bound to a Promise
A True Story, of Love, Murder, and Redemption
Bonnie Floyd
Foreword by Sheila Walsh
What can one ordinary person do?
Read this astonishing memoir about orphans, rescue in the midst of war, and you’ll see. Then perhaps you, too, can step out in faith for the sake of the gospel.
Adventures Under the Mango Tree
contains more than 30 black-and-white photos of adorable orphans and scenes from Sudan.
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Adventures Under
Mango Tree
A story of Hope in War-Torn Sudan
Lillian Ann KIepp
What can one ordinary person do?
Read this astonishing memoir about orphans, rescue in the midst of war, and you’ll see. Then perhaps you, too, can step out in faith for the sake of the gospel.
Adventures Under the Mango Tree
contains more than 30 black-and-white photos of adorable orphans and scenes from Sudan.
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Psychotic Rage
A True Story of Mental Illness, Murder, and Reconciliation
Benny Malone
Author Benny Malone tells her painful story of how her son murdered her husband and attacked her. Her story gives hope for relief and healing to those who suffer from a terrible, deadly illness named Psychosis that often leaves families shattered and grieving.
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Life with Lord Byron
Laughter, Romance, and
Lessons Learned from
Golf's Greatest Gentleman
Peggy Nelson
Byron Nelson's wife, Peggy, talks about her late husband, not just as a golfer but as a devoted Christian man, husband, mentor to other golfers, and friend to so many. Replete with anecdotes, quotes, and never-before-told stories about Byron, this delightful book will let you see inside the private life and heart of golf's greatest gentleman.
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The Spirit of Texas!
Laughter, Romance, and
Lessons Learned from
Peggy Nelson
Texas! It's not just a majestic place, but it's a magnificent people! An attitude. A way of life. An undeniable spirit--the spirit of winning. William Menzies was a not-so-typical West Texas rancher, who changed the face of ranching.
His story is a tale of perseverance, overcoming, and eventual triumph.
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This Little Girl's Journey
My Lifelong Search for My
Biological Father and Family
Carla Butler
A true story--a poignant and provocative testimony of a young woman, who ultimately found her life's answers and meaning by avoiding today's popular Madison Avenue mentality bby pursuing what really matters most in life. Carla found her answers through determination, persistence, and dependence on God as she searched for her missing biological father, and in the process also found her true Father.
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